MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Tan, Eric L. (Eric.Tan AT jhuapl DOT edu)
Date: Fri Feb 13 2004 - 13:43:17 EST

  • Next message: Jeff Sondeen: "Re: v7.2 non-TCL, ext2spice area and perimeter=0?"

    Hi Tim,
    I downloaded magic-7.2.62.tgz and installed with non-TCL option. When I do
    ext2spice, all the area and perimeter of fets are all zero. I used
    'ext2spice -J flat myfile', with all extract options in magic. Does this
    happen to you? I tried older (7.1) ext2spice on the newly extracted .ext
    file and it gives the area and perimeter normally, with a remark that says
    the cell was extracted by 7.2 and should be re-extracted. Should I use this
    old ext2spice instead?
    Another related question that confuses me is: From my understanding (by
    reading magic man page), the capacitance option for :ext enables node
    capacitances to substrate (perimeter and area) computation. Sounds like
    junction cap to me. If so, then the juction cap will be computed twice if
    the simulator(hspice) also computes it with params CJS ans CJSW in the FET
    model cards. Is turning off capacitance option the right thing to do?

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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