MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: number9 AT plate DOT
Date: Thu Mar 25 2004 - 13:05:16 EST

  • Next message: Michael Bajura: "BUG Report: build for darwin (mac OS X) magic-7.2-64 scripts/configure"

    I installed the X11R6 libs and program from apple...
    I am going to try to compile 7.2.64, although I tried
    that last night and it gave me the same error...
    oddly, when I check the configure logs it shows that it has 
    found the X11 libraries...
    I will do some more testing.
    On Thu, Mar 25, 2004 at 10:41:52AM -0500, Philippe Pouliquen wrote:
    > Hi Robert,
    > > Dear Robert,
    > >
    > > > This seems to cure all of the compile problems, but now
    > > > when I try to run magic it gives me a using NULL for display
    > > > error.
    > >
    > > If magic reverts to a NULL device on your own display, then the problem
    > > is usually that the X11 libraries or header files were not found.
    > X11 is not installed by default under MACOSX, especially if you bought a
    > machine with MACOSX pre-installed.  In my case, the installation CD
    > refused to install X11 after the fact, because the OS had already been
    > patched/upgraded.  (I resorted to wiping the disk clean and reinstalling,
    > because the machine was new anyway).
    > Philippe Pouliquen
    > The Johns Hopkins University

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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