MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Graham Petley (graham.petley AT vlsitechnology DOT org)
Date: Fri Apr 30 2004 - 14:44:11 EDT


There is a new full release of my standard cell libraries available for web
download. Compared to previous versions, this one adds to the vsclib:
- power characterisation in a generic 0.13um techno
- cell layouts provided in Graal, Magic, Microwind and Excel formats
- Synopsys .LIB file now error free and includes wireload tables
- characterisation scripts checked and working in both Windows and Linux
- total of 120 cells now

The cells' characteristics in 0.13um are described in the web databook. The
library characterisation uses winspice and Unix scripts. This combination of
Windows and Unix software will run:
- under Windows with the cygwin software
- under Linux running winspice with codeweavers (and maybe wine)

New help pages guide you thru the library installation with screen shots for
both Windows and Linux. I hope you enjoy it, and as before any feedback is
welcome. Download at

Best regards, Graham Petley

Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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