MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jeff W. Sondeen (sondeen AT rcf-fs DOT
Date: Mon Aug 28 2000 - 17:28:09 EDT

Glenn Holt writes:
 > Guys,
 > Let me know if this is not the right forum for this question (but here
 > goes...).
 > How do I get resistance entries into my spice deck?  ext2spice doesn't
 > put any in (why not?).
 > I can see nodal R entries in the .sim file, but I'm more interested in
 > spicing it than
 > irsim'ing the layout.
 > I must be doing something obviously wrong, but for the life of me I
 > can't figure out what.
 > I've gone through every tutorial I can find, but to no avail.
 > Thanks,
 >   Glenn

you want the 'extres' command, i think.  the magic doc (man) page says:

      extresist [cell [threshold] ]
           Postprocessor for improving on the resistance calculation
           performed by the circuit extractor.  To use this command, you
           first have to extract the design rooted at cell with
           :extract cell, and then flatten the design using ext2sim(1),
           producing the files cell.sim and cell.nodes.  Then run
           :extresist cell to produce a file, cell.res.ext, containing
           differences between the network described by the .ext files
           produced the first time around, and a new network that
           incorporates explicit two-point resistors where appropriate (see
           below).  This file may be appended to cell.ext, and then
           ext2sim run for a second time, to produce a new network with
           explicit resistors.  The threshold parameter is used to control
           which nodes are turned into resistor networks: any node whose
           total resistance exceeds threshold times the smallest on-
           resistance of any transistor connected to that node will be
           approximated as a resistor network.

i have this alias in case this 'csh' language makes sense to you (else
forget it):

alias rext2sim 'cat \!$.ext \!$.res.ext > \!$.2.ext ; ext2sim -c 0 -R \!$.2'


PS. you probably want to update your magic to current since 6.5 has
bugs with 'extres' for large nodes.

Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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