MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jeff W. Sondeen (sondeen AT rcf-fs DOT
Date: Thu Mar 29 2001 - 19:20:08 EST

  • Next message: Mikael Sahrling: "Re: Things about magic"

    Mikael Sahrling writes:
     > 2) input/output stream. One of the technologies we're working with have
     > a 
     > grid-size of 0.025 microns. This will not work with the cifinput/output
     > scale of centimicrons. Instead I changed the cif/calma source code to
     > support
     > millimicrons instead. My suggestion is to change the scale to
     > millimicrons.
    however, my understanding is that CIF format by definition must be in
    a scale of .01um.  also, calma (GDS) is supposed to be .001 um but i
    think that's a convetion.
     > 5) cell selection. I haven't been able to figure out how to select all
     > cells
     > of a certain kind. If I have 50 cells named, cell_0 ... cell_49 and
     > I'd like to select them all I have to click all of them individually.
     > I'd
     > like to have some kind of wild-card input so you can type: "sel cel
     > 'cell_*'"
     > and get all of them selected.
    i hacked my local magic copy to do this, but it comes bundled with
    other more idiosyncratic hacks, so will ask Rajit about a new 'branch'
    on his cvs root.... Rajit, are you going to handle magic branches?

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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