MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Prakash (prakashkuve AT yahoo DOT com)
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 12:35:33 EDT

  • Next message: Jeff W. Sondeen: "Re: A bug in layer select"

    Hi all ( Tim, Jeff et al),
               I was using MAGIC to do layouts in a
    technology which needed me to have the number of
    planes greater than 25 ( The cuurent MAXPLANES is
    equal to 50 ) in the technology file and I found that
    once I specify the number of planes equal to 26 or
    more I am not able to Select a particular paint layer
    in the layout. It defaults to selection of the Cell.
    If I say specifically "Select m1" by keeping the
    cursor above m1, it reports "No paint of this type
    under the cursor/box". 
            If I remove some of the planes in my
    technology file and bring the number to 25, it works
    fine. Does this mean that it is running out of planes
    in order to show selection ? I tried to increase the
    "MAXPLANES" variable to 60 to see if it works. It did
    not help. Any comments ? Thank you very much.
    Best Regards,
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