MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Stefan Thiede (Stefan.Thiede AT philips DOT com)
Date: Fri Jul 20 2001 - 13:24:03 EDT

  • Next message: Philippe O. Pouliquen: "Re: Unknown macro or short command..."

    Hi Folks,
    triggered by Jeff Solomon's paper on VLSI layout rendering at
    DAC 2001 and some e-mail exchange with Igor Markov about university
    layout tools I wanted to give magic a try.
    I've been using cell3/sedsm/Aquarius/Apollo/Encounter over the
    last 6 years and wrote a gds/lef/def viewer/converter.
    After hunting the web for a while and not beeing able to compile
    magic 6.5.1, I finally found the Magic 7.1 page and off I went.
    SunOS sparky 5.7 Generic_106541-09 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-1
      gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)
      GNU ld version 2.9.1 (with BFD 2.9.1)
    compiled magic just fine, on Suse-Linux 7.1 I had to change lbsd to
    lbsd-compat and exclude the READLINE since the "termcap" library was
    missing (if anybody is interested I can get the correct name of the
    missing library) on my Suse installation.
    On both platforms I was not able get magic to accept my keystrokes.
    Especially not "h" for "help". Any hint's ? See attached session log.
    With regard to gds2 support, are there some "decent" sized examples
    available to get a feeling for magic's read/write/display capabilities ?
    Jeff mentioned the "Flash" chip in his paper, is this one available ?
    What kind of gds2 sizes will magic be able to handle ? I have access
    to a bunsh of Philips library gds'es and TSMC 0.35 and TSMC 0.18
    I have not checked the current-
    Any more pointers to additional docu ?
    Best Regards
    PS: I'm not on the mailing list yet, please reply to me directly.
    sparky:thiede> magic
    Magic 7.1 - Compiled on Thu Jul 19 19:48:29 PDT 2001.
    CAD_HOME sets "~cad" to "/proj/layout/usr/thiede/magic_install".
    flock_list directory created.
    Error opening flock_list/link.
    Using technology "scmos", version 8.2.8.
    MOSIS Scalable CMOS Technology for Standard Rules
    Using PseudoColor, VisualID 0x20 depth 8
    Unable to allocate 7 planes in default colormap; making a new one.
    [Read-in of command file aborted]
    Unknown macro or short command: 'XK_h'
    Unknown macro or short command: 'XK_j'
    Unknown macro or short command: 'XK_k'
    w for write
    o for open
    l for label 
    seem to work.
    Stefan Thiede              Tel:   +1 (408) 991-5619
    Philips Semiconductors     Fax:   +1 (408) 991-5589
    811 E. Arques Avenue
    M/S 42, P.O. Box 3409     mailto: Stefan.Thiede AT philips DOT com
    Sunnyvale, CA 94048-3409  seri  :        thiede@usmtvsc1

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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