MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Dr. Jon R. Fox (jfox AT princeton DOT edu)
Date: Tue Jul 24 2001 - 11:31:32 EDT

  • Next message: Mark N. Martin: "Re: postscript mask making"

    I'm trying to make postscript output for printing to high resolution (4000dpi) printers, so that I can make some low resolution photomasks for MEMS ideas. I can output eps files from magic in linux with 
    :plot postscript output.eps 
    but I am unsure if I am getting my dimensions right, because when I lpr to my favorite printer I get masks that are much to big (bigger than three inches in my cif file). 
    1. Is the postscript in magic able to be use in this fashion?
    2. Am I missing any :plot parameters options which would help. The man file doesn't seem to mention anything but versatec print options.
    3. Where is psmask? I was going to use a direct cif to ps converter, but I haven't found the source anywhere to compile on my my linux machine, and flea didn't seem to work for postscript output from cif. Electric also produces garbled ps files.  
    thanks in advance,
        Dr. Jon R. Fox
        fox AT researchsupport DOT com
        Principal Scientist -  Research Support Instruments
        tel: (609)258-1022 | cel: (609)903-3567 |  efax:(208)247-2567 

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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