MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Mark N. Martin (mark.martin AT jhuapl DOT edu)
Date: Tue Jul 24 2001 - 12:29:12 EDT

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "plot postscript from magic"

    There is a version of cif2ps at wavefront sciences that is
    for the purposed you describe at:
    I have also have a copy of PSMASK as well that I can send
    However, it was only distributed as a sun binary.
    Additionally there is pplot for translating from CIF to
    I make a habit of saving any CAD tool I find onto a CD in
    case it 
    disapears so I can whip up a tar ball with most of these
    if you would like.
    "Dr. Jon R. Fox" wrote:
    > I'm trying to make postscript output for printing to high resolution (4000dpi) printers, so that I can make some low resolution photomasks for MEMS ideas. I can output eps files from magic in linux with
    > :plot postscript output.eps
    > but I am unsure if I am getting my dimensions right, because when I lpr to my favorite printer I get masks that are much to big (bigger than three inches in my cif file).
    > 1. Is the postscript in magic able to be use in this fashion?
    > 2. Am I missing any :plot parameters options which would help. The man file doesn't seem to mention anything but versatec print options.
    > 3. Where is psmask? I was going to use a direct cif to ps converter, but I haven't found the source anywhere to compile on my my linux machine, and flea didn't seem to work for postscript output from cif. Electric also produces garbled ps files.
    > thanks in advance,
    > Jon
    > --
    >     Dr. Jon R. Fox
    >     fox AT researchsupport DOT com
    >     Principal Scientist -  Research Support Instruments
    >     tel: (609)258-1022 | cel: (609)903-3567 |  efax:(208)247-2567
    Mark N. Martin, Ph.D.
    Senior Engineer : Integrated Circuit Design
    The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
    11100 Johns Hopkins Rd.
    Laurel, MD 20723-6099
    Voice : (240)228-7895 (Washington) / (443)778-7895
    FAX   : (240)228-6556              / (443)778-6556
    mark.martin AT jhuapl DOT edu

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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