MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Fri Aug 10 2001 - 10:39:36 EDT

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "Magic compile on Linux versions"

    GDS files, unlike CIF, are apparently stored as a list of cells without
    reference to where the top of the hierarchy is.  Presumably the hierarchy
    can be determined from context, but magic doesn't do this (though I'm
    tempted to write in the capability, since it should not be too difficult).
    Magic will always have a top level cell "(UNNAMED)" and if you try to
    write back the file, it will attempt to save "(UNNAMED)" along with the
    rest.  However, there is a new (and unfortunatly not well documented)
    command called "listall" which lists all the cells loaded from the GDS.
    "listtop" will list the top-level cell(s), "list" will show all children
    of the current cell, and "parent" and "child" will list the parent and
    children of the selected cell, respectively.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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