MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jeff W. Sondeen (sondeen AT rcf-fs DOT
Date: Thu Aug 23 2001 - 18:21:06 EDT

  • Next message: Prakash: "Re: magic file locking"

    thanks, Tim, you're right, had some dumb "spacing < 0" rules on the
    techfile (rule 6.2x). fixed for the next release (hopefully tomorrow).
    R. Timothy Edwards writes:
     > > yes, you're right, while it DOES give an error with SCN6M_SUBM.10.tech27
     > > both files have the same rule specified:
     > > spacing ndiff,anres,rnd,nfet,ndc/a,ndm12c/a \
     > > pdiff,apres,rpd,pfet,pdc/a,pdm12c/a 12 touching_illegal \
     > > "N-Diffusion spacing to P-Diffusion < 12 (Mosis #2.3+2.3)"
     > > but as there is a rule 'optimizer' going on maybe it's getting deleted.
     > In my experience writing tech files, this sort of thing is rarely if
     > ever due to "rule optimization".  Most of the time it's due to the rule
     > being preempted by another rule.
     > I've always wanted to write a "rule compiler" to simplify the problem of
     > untangling all the interactions between rules, and to hide the very
     > non-intuitive edge4way rule structure behind something graphical and
     > intuitively obvious.  But it seems like such a Herculean task. . .
     > 						---Tim

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