MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Prakash (prakashkuve AT yahoo DOT com)
Date: Fri Aug 24 2001 - 12:20:31 EDT

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "Magic and file locking"

    Dear Tim and Michael,
         Thank you very much for the sugestons,
                   I had downloaded the CVS source of
    MAGIC on August 18th, so this should have had the
    correct file locking routines. I read the file
    "locking.txt" located at doc/textfiles/ and followed
    the instructions given there ( i.e. create the "flock"
    directory inside CAD_HOME with proper permissions) but
    still I get the same error message. My CAD_HOME
    environment variable is also set properly, hence I am
    at loss here to see what's causing the error. The
    error message I used to get in some earlier versions
    of MAGIC used to be concerning the "flock_list"
    directory, should this also be created or would MAGIC
    automatically create this and maintain it ? Thank you
    in advance.
    --- "R. Timothy Edwards" <tim AT stravinsky DOT>
    > Dear Prakash,
    >    If you downloaded the CVS source since sometime
    > in July, you will
    > have the correct file locking routines.  I don't
    > think this is true
    > of the tar.gz distribution.
    >    File locking is implemented in such a way that
    > user's who don't
    > want it (which is probably the majority) won't be
    > bothered by its
    > habits, such as creating local directories for
    > managing timestamps.
    > For this reason, file locking, even when enabled in
    > the compilation
    > configuration, is not enabled at run-time until the
    > "master file
    > locking directory" is created in $CAD_HOME.  Nothing
    > needs to be put
    > in this directory---magic will do that part---but
    > $CAD_HOME/flock/
    > must exist, as its presence is what tells magic to
    > go ahead with the
    > file locking system.
    >    I may need to look closer at the code, though,
    > because if it says
    > "Directory "/flock" not available", this indicates
    > that it could not
    > find either an environment variable $CAD_HOME or a
    > directory ~cad/.
    > You will probably have to make sure that you set
    > environment variable
    > $CAD_HOME before starting magic.
    >    More detailed information on the locking
    > mechanism can be found
    > in the magic source tree under
    > 	doc/textfiles/locking.txt
    >    Please let me know if you have any difficulties
    > with the system,
    > which has not been thoroughly exercised.  For that
    > matter, please
    > let me know if you *don't* have any difficulties
    > with the system,
    > too.
    > 					Regards,
    > 					Tim
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