MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 09:41:49 EDT

  • Next message: Philippe O. Pouliquen: "Re: "must-overlap" proposal"

    Dear Jeff,
       I'll give that some serious thought, as I have been occasionally
    troubled by magic's habit of leaving gaps between cells when shrinking
    layers (usually this means a well, and usually can be ignored, but
    it's really not proper to assume that everybody "knows" that you
    have to write CIF, read it back in verbatim, and check for these kind
    of violations.
       I don't think that a "must-overlap"-type of rule would be advisable,
    though.  "no-overlap" and "exact-overlap" only have to check a boolean
    (yes/no) condition, which is easier to do across the hierarchy than
    checking for compliance across a given distance.  However, I admit
    that I have not looked closely at the code for DRC checks across
    cell boundaries, so I will look at it and see how it might be
       I have become used to the fact that the original authors of magic
    were extraordinarily clever, and any obvious things which have not
    been implemented can be expected to be a real pain to deal with.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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