MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Prakash (prakashkuve AT yahoo DOT com)
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 12:52:02 EST

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "Re: router"

    Hi all,
               Has anybody used MAGIC's "route" tool
    extensively ? I needed some help regarding setting up
    the routing environment. Typing "route tech" on the 
    MAGIC command window displays something like this
       Preferred layer..... metal1; width 4
       Alternate layer..... metal2; width 4
       Contacts............ m2contact; width 4; offset 0;
    surrounds 0, 0
       Subcell separations: 4 up; 8 down
       Router grid spacing: 1
            Is there a way to change these default
    settings ? For example change the subcell separations
    to 2 up; 4 down.
            Similarly is it possible to change the default
    "router parameter settings" ?
    I used the "route" function to do some routings and
    layouts didn't look very pretty, hence any help from
    anybody who has used this a lot will be greatly 
            Finally, in the MAGIC Tutorial #7, it says
    that MAGIC Tutorial # 12 has more information about
    Gate array router.....but I seem to have only upto
    # 11 in my compilation........Does anybody know about
    Tutorial # 12 ?
    Thanks and best regards,
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