MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 13:05:13 EST

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "Magic error fixed"

    Dear Prakash,
       I'll be looking for any positive comments about the router,
    but I don't expect any.  The routers are such a disaster that
    I don't know anyone who uses them.  I'm hoping that the
    interpreter-wrapped magic that I'm coming out with soon will
    encourage people to write simple scripts to test out simple
    router algorithms.  The magic development group is talking
    about removing all of the router code, and making it an option
    that can be downloaded separately, but not part of the core
    > I used the "route" function to do some routings and
    > layouts didn't look very pretty
    I would have sworn from the few times I used the router
    that some variable had been inverted and caused magic to
    try to maximize layout INefficiency.  The result looked like
    the spaghetti intersection of interstates outside of Atlanta.
    > Is there a way to change these default settings?
    > For example change the subcell separations to 2 up; 4 down.
    That's defined in the "router" section of the .tech27 file.
    See the "Magic Maintainer's Manual #2" ( in the
    doc/psfiles directory) page 39 and following.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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