MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Martin Guthrie (4-cast AT rogers DOT com)
Date: Tue Mar 12 2002 - 21:11:23 EST

  • Next message: Jeff W. Sondeen: "Re: General Help"

    Here are some general questions I have about MAGIC.
    Notes: Running MAGIC ver 7.1.4 on Pentium MMX (233MHz), 128MB ram, RedHat
    Linux 7.2, GNOME gui.  Using tech file from MOSIS TSMC 0.35u.
    1)  Segmenation fault on extract.  I have a small, single transistor
    circuit, which when I try to extract causes a problem.  It is a bit strange.
    When I first issue the command 'extract', MAGIC reports there is no such
    command.  The second time I run the command, I get a segmenation fault, and
    MAGIC quits, then a follow up message from X11 indicating the link to the
    window is gone.  I believe the problem is related to the tech file.  I was
    initially using a tech file with the release code 2000c-pre, and when I
    tried to extract a Pad circuit, the same problem occured.  I assumed the pad
    circuit was fine, and hunted for an updated tech file and found one, 2000d.
    When I extract the pad circuit, no errors.  However, still when I extract
    the circuit I created, I get a segmentation fault, again on the second time
    I run extract, not the first.  I believe there is probably an error with the
    circuit I created (I am still getting familiar with the process), but I
    would think a more graceful error message is expected, rather than a crash.
    2) The download kit for MAGIC for the TSMC rules, has several files.  I
    understand that one of them is the techfile, but what are the other files
    for?  They are,
    3) Some macro keys are out of sync with the keyboard.  For example,
    Control-~ is reported to be Control- AT  DOT   When I try Control-!, I seem to be
    getting keypad 1, that is the box moves South-West, despite me putting in a
    specific command for Control-!.  Is this a problem with the keyoard I
    selected when I installed Linux?
    4) I tried to extract the PadOut.mag.  As I stated in (1), I am able to
    extract without incident.  However, I cannot re-create the spice netlist
    with the ext2spice utility.  I seem to only get the caps, no fets.  I tried
    ext2spice with the switches suggested in the tech file, as well as with
    the -T option.  The result was always the same, just caps.  There are a few
    warning messages printed as well, "too few area/perim values, resistance
    class does not match...."

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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