MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Wed Mar 13 2002 - 09:49:29 EST

  • Next message: Lakshmi Narayanan: "hi"

    Dear Martin,
       Segmentation faults need to be tracked down with a debugger.  If you
    can send a layout and send or name the techfile you used with it, I can
    try to duplicate the error here.  If I can't, I'll need you to run magic
    under gdb and send back the output (although errors tend to end up in
    malloc(), nowhere near the actual cause of the error).
    > Some macro keys are out of sync with the keyboard.
    I tried what you said and discovered the same thing.  It's possible that
    the way the key event handler is set up, it can't tell the difference
    between, say, Control-1 and Keypad-1.  On the other hand, I'm getting
    this behavior for Control-1, not Control-!.  Control-! gives me
    "Unknown macro or short command: 'Control_Shift_XK_exclam'", which is
    what I would expect.  Similarly, Control-~ returns
    "Unknown macro or short command: 'Control_Shift_XK_asciicircum'" but
    Control-` (same key, unshifted) returns "Unknown macro or short command:
    '^ AT '" DOT   Control-@ is just ASCII for zero, which suggests that it lost
    all information about the key, rather than getting the wrong key.  I
    will investigate these "features" further.
    > I cannot re-create the spice netlist with the ext2spice utility.
    > I seem to only get the caps, no fets.
    This is most likely a tech file problem.  There should be lines beginning
    "fet ..." in the .ext file after extract.  If not, then the problem cropped
    up during extract, not afterward.  Again, I would have to see a layout and
    tech file and try to duplicate the error.  The "too few area/perim values,
    resistance class does not match...." is not implicated;  it can be ignored.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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