MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Fri May 10 2002 - 23:52:18 EDT

  • Next message: Jonathan B. Liu: "magic7.1.5 compiled OK on Suse 7.2"

    Dear Michael,
       I have a preliminary test version of the Chartered Semiconductor 0.13
    process techfile with 8 metal layers.  To get this working right, I did
    a lot of magic code hacking on colormaps, style files, and added routines
    for scaling and expanded the techfile format to include some floating-
    point values to deal with the tiny scales involved.  Oh, and I rewrote
    the CIF and GDS input and output routines to scale into the deep sub-
    micron.  If you or anyone else is interested, I have all the files.
    Chartered claims to be completely compatible with the TSMC process,
    but I haven't verified that because I don't have any specs for the
    TSMC 0.13 process.  If someone knows where I can grab some, then I can
    make sure.
       The design rule and process specs for Chartered are proprietary,
    by the way, so I will have to check here and there before throwing
    any techfiles into the public domain.  The magic code changes, though,
    are highly desirable if you want to start pushing polygons in 0.13, and
    that's all open source, as always.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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