MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jonathan B. Liu (Jbliu AT tvia DOT com)
Date: Mon May 13 2002 - 22:33:16 EDT

  • Next message: Conrad H Ziesler: "timestamp performance bug and patch."

    If you, just like me, use a Linux system with a old
    graphic card (mine is S3 Trio64 2MB), or a graphic
    card that doesn't support 8-bit overlays on top of
    a TrueColor display, here is a simple way to fix the
    8-bit color problem.
    The project that I'm working on now only provides style
    file and color map for 8-bit color. So every time that
    I try magic, magic will ask for style file and color
    map for 24-bit TrueColor (even though that I'm in
    a 1024x768 16-bit TrueColor environment), and then
    kicked me out.
    Here is a trick that I found over the internet to fix
    this problem.
    Use "startx -- :1 -bpp 8" to start another xserver with
    8-bit color and use magic there. All your color related
    problems should be fixed. You can use "Ctrl-Alt-F7/F8"
    to switch between your TrueColor xserver and your 8-bit
    color xserver.
    It works fine for me on my Suse 7.2 system.
    Good luck.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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