MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Conrad H Ziesler (cziesler AT eecs DOT
Date: Tue May 14 2002 - 15:17:37 EDT

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "magic patch"

    performance bug:
     loading a file containing even a modest number (5000) of subcell calls
    with invalid timestamps takes > 2 hours on PII/300MHz
    after the patch:  ~10 seconds.
    the problem is that magic was repeatedly loading and computing the
    bounding box of each subcell, the fix just sets a flag to indicate this
    computation is done.
    patch to database/database.h  database/DBtimestmp.c
    this also fixes a use after free memory allocation bug.
    *** magic-7.1.5/database/database.h	Wed Feb 27 11:22:26 2002
    --- local/database/database.h	Sun May 12 18:00:20 2002
    *** 288,293 ****
    --- 288,295 ----
      #define CDNOEDIT	0200
    + #define CDPROCESSED    0400
       * Description of an array.
       * The bounds xlo .. xhi and ylo .. yhi are transformed versions
    *** magic-7.1.5/database/DBtimestmp.c	Wed Nov 28 14:23:34 2001
    --- local/database/DBtimestmp.c	Sun May 12 18:08:06 2002
    *** 109,115 ****
          Rect oldArea, parentArea, tmp;
          int redisplay;
          int firstOne = TRUE;
          /* It's very important to disable interrupts during this section!
           * Otherwise, we may not paint the recheck tiles properly.
    --- 109,116 ----
          Rect oldArea, parentArea, tmp;
          int redisplay;
          int firstOne = TRUE;
    !     void *tofree;
    !     Mismatch *tmpm;
          /* It's very important to disable interrupts during this section!
           * Otherwise, we may not paint the recheck tiles properly.
    *** 118,123 ****
    --- 119,129 ----
          if (mismatch == NULL) return;
          TxPrintf("Processing timestamp mismatches:");
    +     for(tmpm=mismatch;tmpm!=NULL;tmpm=tmpm->mm_next)
    +       {
    + 	tmpm->mm_cellDef->cd_flags&=(~CDPROCESSED);
    +       }
          while (mismatch != NULL)
      	/* Be careful to remove the front element from the mismatch
    *** 127,134 ****
      	cellDef = mismatch->mm_cellDef;
      	oldArea = mismatch->mm_oldArea;
    ! 	FREE((char *) mismatch);
      	mismatch = mismatch->mm_next;
      	(void) DBCellRead(cellDef, (char *) NULL, TRUE);
      	/* Jimmy up the cell's current bounding box, so the following
    --- 133,144 ----
      	cellDef = mismatch->mm_cellDef;
      	oldArea = mismatch->mm_oldArea;
    ! 	tofree=mismatch;
      	mismatch = mismatch->mm_next;
    + 	FREE((char *) tofree);
    + 	if( ((cellDef->cd_flags)&(CDPROCESSED))==0)
    + 	  {
      	    (void) DBCellRead(cellDef, (char *) NULL, TRUE);
      	    /* Jimmy up the cell's current bounding box, so the following
    *** 168,174 ****
    --- 178,187 ----
      	    else TxPrintf(", %s", cellDef->cd_name);
      	    TxFlush();	/* This is needed to prevent _doprnt screwups */
    + 	    cellDef->cd_flags|=CDPROCESSED;
    + 	  }
    *** 274,279 ****
    --- 287,293 ----
          mm->mm_oldArea = *wrongArea;
          mm->mm_next = mismatch;
          mismatch = mm;
    +     cellDef->cd_flags&=(~CDPROCESSED);
          for (parentUse = cellDef->cd_parents; parentUse != NULL;
      	parentUse = parentUse->cu_nextuse)

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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