MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Wed Jul 24 2002 - 17:29:34 EDT

  • Next message: Atul Gadgil: "Cif file reading"

    Dear Mikael,
    > The routine that parses paths, MakeManhattanPath in CIFrdutils, needs
    > to have its integers converted to double or extra long integers when
    > using the nanometers keyword in cifinput. If not the integers easily 
    > overflow for moderate size designs. 
       I know I shelved that comment for a long time (the implications are
    an immediate doubling of memory requirements!), but I was just thinking
    about it, and I'm wondering if that first reaction is true.  A standard
    32-bit int gives you +/- 2^31 = 2.15e9.  With the "nanometers" keyword,
    you get 1 magic unit = 1 nanometer, so you should have an area equal to
    2.15 meters on a side.
       What's wrong is the definition of INFINITY (tiles/tile.h, comment at
    line 131):
     * The following coordinate, INFINITY, is used to represent a
     * tile location outside of the tile plane.
     * It must be possible to represent INFINITY+1 as well as
     * INFINITY.
     * Also, because locations involving INFINITY may be transformed,
     * it is desirable that additions and subtractions of small integers
     * from either INFINITY or MINFINITY not cause overflow.
     * Consequently, we define INFINITY to be the largest integer
     * representable in wordsize - 5 bits.
    #undef INFINITY
    #define INFINITY        ((1 << (8*sizeof (int) - 6)) - 4)
    #define MINFINITY       (-INFINITY)  
       By subtracting 6 bits, your workable area shrinks by 64 times on a
    side, to 3.3 cm.  Big, but not huge by today's standards.
    I can't think of any reason why one needs a 6-bit pad to prevent overflow
    from "additions and subtractions of small integers".  Please let me know
    if I'm missing something.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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