MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Spaceborne Calin (spaceborne_calin AT yahoo DOT com)
Date: Sat Aug 24 2002 - 12:40:34 EDT

  • Next message: Spaceborne Calin: "Re: Announcing Magic-7.2 ALPHA"

     --- n2718677 <l.darnell AT student DOT> a écrit : > Hi,
    > I am having alot of trouble installing Magic.
    > I have Mandrake 8.2 running on an intel system.
    > I am running the gnome GUI.
    > I have set the CAD_HOME path correctly and unpacked all the files.
    what version of magic ?
    > make config works ok.
    > when I call make or make force i get mountains of warningslike this :
    > extra
    > tokens at end of #Endif directive : . 
    > Then it spits me out during the X11 compilation
    > with an error message.
    Could you post the _exact_ error (warning) messages ?
    > It is friday night in australia and my VLSI assignment is due on
    > monday.
    > Can anyone help me please. I would love to start using Magic but
    > can't even
    > get it to compile.
    I need more information.
    1. Version of magic
    2. The output of make (there should be a file - make.log i think if
    you're using a recent version).(compressed please)
    > Help Please
    > Luke 
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