MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Spaceborne Calin (spaceborne_calin AT yahoo DOT com)
Date: Sun Aug 25 2002 - 11:20:49 EDT

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "Magic memory usage"

     --- "R. Timothy Edwards" <tim AT stravinsky DOT> a écrit : > Dear
    >    For the brave and daring, I have essentially completed a working
    > version
    > of Magic running under Tcl/Tk.  This is the first point at which I've
    > thought
    > it stable enough to distribute, but of course treat it as ALPHA code.
    > See the website 
    > for details and information.  More information is in the source code
    > top-level
    > directory in the file "README.Tcl".
    1.I was pleased to see that finally there is a classification of magic
    versions i.e what version to use for production.
    2. It compiles (magic 7.2). It runs (quiet strange compared to 7.1.5)
    Here is a sample session:
    Warning: magic command 'list' use fully-qualified name '::magic::list'
    Warning: magic command 'split' use fully-qualified name
    Warning: magic command 'array' use fully-qualified name
    Warning: magic command 'source' use fully-qualified name
    Warning: magic command 'label' use fully-qualified name
    Warning: magic command 'flush' use fully-qualified name
    Warning: magic command 'send' use fully-qualified name '::magic::send'
    Warning: magic command 'grid' use fully-qualified name '::magic::grid'
    Warning: magic command 'load' use fully-qualified name '::magic::load'
    Starting magic under Tcl interpreter
    Magic 7.1 - Compiled on Sun Aug 25 17:56:49 EEST 2002.
    Using the terminal as the console.
    Using technology "scmos", version 8.2.8.
    MOSIS Scalable CMOS Technology for Standard Rules
    Using TrueColor, VisualID 0x20 depth 16
    : paint green
    : quit
    You forgot to change the version number :-)
    Eats too much memory: 120MB
    It should not run directly in wish but in a kind of parser 
    which filters magic comands and translate them in wish commands.
    What happend with tcl-magic ?
    The last version i tried was 0.3. 
    > 						Regards,
    > 						Tim 
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