MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Mon Nov 11 2002 - 17:14:37 EST

  • Next message: Stefan Robert: "Re: Magic startup errors"

    Dear Stefan,
       The "flock_list" directory is a result of selecting the "file locking"
    option when doing the "make config" stage at the beginning of the compile
    and install process.  If it's producing an error, it's because that
    particular version of the file locking is broken, although the only
    effect you should notice is the error message.  The best solution to that
    one is either to 1) ignore it, 2) recompile with the "file locking" option
    disabled, or 3) download the most recent CVS source of magic 7.1, and
    compile that (either with or without file locking, but at least the
    implementation is correct).
    > scn6m.tech27: line 2385: section cifoutput:
    > 	Reducer for lambda=0.10(p) CIF doesn't divide distances evenly.
    This is not precisely an error;  it's a minor problem with the technology
    file.  The CIF "reducer" factor is supposed to make CIF files smaller by
    dividing all layout measurements by some factor (in this case, 5; the
    tech file, assuming it's the same as SCN6M_SUBM.10.tech27, has the line:
     scalefactor  10 5
    in which the "10" is the scale (lambda=0.10), and "5" is the reducer.
    This assumes, then, that all numbers generated by CIF will be divisible
    by 5.  The SCN6M_SUBM.10.tech27 doesn't have any such values, but your
    techfile might.  If so, then you are being warned by magic that expected
    output values in CIF output may be rounded off.  If you write GDS, this
    can be ignored.  If you write CIF, you should change the reducer in the
    scalefactor line of the tech file to "1" to be on the safe side.
    I recognized the stupidity of having to make the tech file maintainer
    "do the math" to figure out what the greatest common denominator of all
    CIF grow/shrink/bloat/squares values should be, so I changed this in
    magic version 7.2 so that the correct reducer is computed automatically
    and ignored where it appears in the tech file.
    Your version of magic will also give an error if the scalefactor is not
    evenly divisibly by 2 times the reducer.  This is a bogus error message
    (the extra factor of 2 compensates for the fact that CIF reports
    rectangles by their centers, so rectangles with odd-valued widths or
    heights may end up with centers on 0.5-unit boundaries.  This factor of
    2 is already added to the CIF output, and is independent of the reducer.
    The error message is apparently left over from a long time ago).
    Hopefully this answers your questions.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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