MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Stefan Robert (srobert AT hermes DOT
Date: Mon Nov 11 2002 - 17:47:39 EST

  • Next message: Richard Lethin: "AMI 0.5um, pad frame from tanner, but in Magic?"

    Is this "feature" of reporting this problem by magic new? I run this techfile on
    a 7.1 version of magic dating from July 2002, and I do not get this error.
    Thank you very much for you assistance.
    En réponse à "R. Timothy Edwards" <tim AT stravinsky DOT>:
    > > scn6m.tech27: line 2385: section cifoutput:
    > > 	Reducer for lambda=0.10(p) CIF doesn't divide distances evenly.
    > This is not precisely an error;  it's a minor problem with the
    > technology
    > file.  The CIF "reducer" factor is supposed to make CIF files smaller
    > by
    > dividing all layout measurements by some factor (in this case, 5; the
    > tech file, assuming it's the same as SCN6M_SUBM.10.tech27, has the
    > line:
    >  scalefactor  10 5
    > in which the "10" is the scale (lambda=0.10), and "5" is the reducer.
    > This assumes, then, that all numbers generated by CIF will be
    > divisible
    > by 5.  The SCN6M_SUBM.10.tech27 doesn't have any such values, but your
    > techfile might.  If so, then you are being warned by magic that
    > expected
    > output values in CIF output may be rounded off.  If you write GDS,
    > this
    > can be ignored.  If you write CIF, you should change the reducer in
    > the
    > scalefactor line of the tech file to "1" to be on the safe side.
    > I recognized the stupidity of having to make the tech file maintainer
    > "do the math" to figure out what the greatest common denominator of
    > all
    > CIF grow/shrink/bloat/squares values should be, so I changed this in
    > magic version 7.2 so that the correct reducer is computed
    > automatically
    > and ignored where it appears in the tech file.
    > Your version of magic will also give an error if the scalefactor is
    > not
    > evenly divisibly by 2 times the reducer.  This is a bogus error
    > message
    > (the extra factor of 2 compensates for the fact that CIF reports
    > rectangles by their centers, so rectangles with odd-valued widths or
    > heights may end up with centers on 0.5-unit boundaries.  This factor
    > of
    > 2 is already added to the CIF output, and is independent of the
    > reducer.
    > The error message is apparently left over from a long time ago).
    > Hopefully this answers your questions.
    > 					Regards,
    > 					Tim

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