MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jeff Sondeen (sondeen AT ISI DOT EDU)
Date: Wed Nov 13 2002 - 13:06:31 EST

  • Next message: Rajit Manohar: "Re: AMI 0.5um, pad frame from tanner, but in Magic?"

    Richard Lethin writes:
     > I noticed that MOSIS is offering AMI 0.5um (SCN3ME_SUBM.30, e.g., 
     > lambda=0.30um) this year for educational class projects.
     > However, the pad frame in MAGIC format in Sondeen's example directory 
     > (SN3M_SUBM.30.PADS.5000) seems to have huge pad layouts, so the 
     > (2551um)^2 example both exceeds the (1.5mm)^2 limit for educational 
     > projects at MOSIS, and is only 28 pins! (vs. the 40 pins in the 
     > SCNA.80.PADS.2000 frame).
     > MOSIS does make available Tanner's frame for 0.3um, but in GDS/CIF 
     > format.  And Tanner's frame looks pretty sweet - both meeting the 
     > (1.5mm)^2 guidelines and providing 40 pins (how MOSIS is going to bond 
     > the tinychip to such a thing impresses me).
     > The problem of course is that we'd like to use the MAGIC tools and drop 
     > in the Tanner frame.  That doesn't look so easy.  Reading the CIF into 
     > MAGIC using the SCN3M_SUBM.30 tech file, there are zillions of error 
     > messages about alignment, labels moving around, and the result has lots 
     > of DRC errors.
    why don't you start with these: (but it may not be recent if Tanner
    had a new release -- check file dates)

                                                    12/21/2001 jws
    release 2001-12-21
      fixed PadVdd.mag cell slightly: reduced it's height from 1004 lambda
      to 1003 lambda, so it's equal to all other pads.
      fixed Lib_Hi-ESD_Pads.mag and Mini_Frame.mag to change position of PadVdd
      by 1 lambda.
      thanks to SB/UCSB
     > Can anyone suggest a course for making this easy?  I suppose there 
     > aren't that many components to the Tanner frame and we could go and fix 
     > the DRC errors.  But is there better magic, pun intended?
     > Thanks,
     > Rich

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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