MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Tue Feb 04 2003 - 10:14:05 EST

  • Next message: Brad Falch: "Re: nanometer GDS/Calma input support"

    Dear Brad,
    > Is there a way to import GDSII/Calma that is created
    > on a 1nm grid?  Since scalefactor only takes integers,
    > the minimum design grid is only 10nm.
       Magic versions 7.1 and 7.2 support nanometer-scale input.  The
    technology file needs the keyword "nanometers" in the CIF input
    section.  For instance, for the Chartered .13 micron process (lambda
    = 0.065), I have, in cifinput and cifoutput sections:
       style  lambda=0.065(chartered)
          scalefactor  65 calmaonly nanometers
    Note that when using the "nanometers" keyword, all dimensions in
    the CIF sections are in units of nanometers, not centimicrons.
    Also note that magic version 7.1 supports nanometer dimensions
    ONLY for GDS input and output, but version 7.2 supports nanometer
    dimensions for both GDS and CIF input and output (version 7.2
    ignores the keyword "calmaonly" in the example above).
    There is also something in the documentation about scalefactors
    having to be even numbers for CIF input/output;  this restriction
    was not necessary from version 6.4 or 6.5, but the restriction was
    not lifted until version 7.1.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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