MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Erik Peterson (erik AT yanntek DOT com)
Date: Thu Feb 06 2003 - 19:06:43 EST

  • Next message: Erik Peterson: "Re: Magic Automatic Place & Routing"

    Try this:
      setenv CAD_HOME /opt/local/cad-try/src/magic-7.2
      cd $CAD_HOME
      make config
      If it compiles, you might want to put that 'setenv' somewhere in
    your '~/.cshrc' file so you don't have to type it everytime you start
    a new shell.
    atummala wrote:
    >  I am trying to install magic -7.2 on  solaris.I becacme a super user and the 
    >path is set as shown below. When I say make config I get an error saying 
    >unknown user cad.
    > I am looking for some help about how to proceed. Please reply.
    > PATH=/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local:/usr/local/bin:/usr/ucb:/etc:/usr/ucb
    ># export PATH
    ># cd /opt/local
    ># cd cad-try
    ># cd /src/magic*
    >/src/magic*: does not exist
    ># cd src
    ># cd magic*
    ># pwd
    ># make config
    >              Welcome to Magic's configuration program.
    >                    This is Version 7.2.
    >Unknown user: cad
    >make: *** [config] Error 1
    >Thank you

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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