MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Stefan Jones (stefan.jones AT multigig DOT com)
Date: Tue Apr 08 2003 - 04:57:06 EDT

  • Next message: Philippe Pouliquen: "Re: Using Magic as GDSII viewer."

    On Sun, 2003-04-06 at 12:37, cfk wrote:
    > ;package require spice
    > ;spice::source test_trans.cir
    > ;spice::run
    > ;plot in out
    > I get magic autoloading the plot module. I next tried ::plot & spice::plot
    > to no avail. Recompiling magic without its plot get the tcl command
    > spice::plot in out displaying draw, SetLinestyle 3, ... for quite a while,
    > but no plot appears.
    > I think there is a namespace thing going on here, but so far I havent
    > figured it out. Any suggestions would be greatly aprpeciated.
    To fix up the previous issues the correct command sequence is now:
    ; package require spice
    ; spice_init_gui test_trans.cir
    ; spice::run
    ; spicewish::plot in out
    Use normal Tcl command name overwrites to move the plot command to the
    main namespace.
    Stefan Jones <stefan.jones AT multigig DOT com>
    Multigig Ltd

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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