MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Jeff Sondeen (sondeen AT ISI DOT EDU)
Date: Fri Mar 21 2003 - 20:01:44 EST

  • Next message: cfk: "Re: mosis cell library"

    Hi, why don't you start with the README's under

    altho they may be out-of-date.
    cfk writes:
     > Gentlemen:
     >     I've spent a while studying the mosis cell libraries today at
     > and
     > downloaded both the TSMC 0.25 micron and Agilent 0.50 micron libraries. In
     > attempting to load the gds files with "calma read mTSMd025DL.gds" or "calma
     > read mhps05dl.gds" from either with default technology or scmos-sub, I get a
     > "#cols doesnt divide displacement ref pt" error on many cells and my screen
     > is blank.  If I try to read the CIF versions, I get a seg fault and Magic
     > exits.
     >     I am hoping that there is some combination of technology machinations
     > and clever button pushing that would actually let me read and appreciate
     > these cell libraries from MOSIS. Any suggestions would be greatly
     > appreciated.
     > Charles

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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