MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: cfk (cfk AT pacbell DOT net)
Date: Sun Mar 23 2003 - 13:54:22 EST

  • Next message: cfk: "Re: mosis cell library"

    On the good news side, I was able to compile tclspice yesterday as described
    in the README in the /home/cad/tclspice/src/tcl directory. The ./configure
    script needs to arguments :
    "./configure --enable-tcl --enable-experimental --enable-xspice --disable-sh
    ared", then a "make tcl", followed by a "make tcl_install" (yes that one is
    a little different from magic and irsim).
    At this point, I can starup magic and I get a blank BLT plot along with the
    magic window from "magic -w". Magic is reading /usr/lib/spice/pkgIndex.tcl
    and runnings its LoadSpice procedure. Next, from the magic prompt, an
    invocation ";load /usr/lib/libspice" loads the complete package. At this
    point, it is possible to say
    ;spice::source test.cir
    ;spice::asciiplot out
    or even
    ;spice::shell kedit test.cir
    all from the magic prompt.
    I can run mesa.cir from tclspice/tests/mesa and get a transfer function
    curve. The plot doesnt seem to work and tclspice is prone to segfault if it
    gets confused with a command such as ";spice::help", but at least it is very
    interesting to run this from inside magic.
    This is all preparation on my part for the day when I can load an inverter,
    nand, nor, xor or dff from a library (perhaps the mosis library, at least I
    am hoping so), run irsim for the switch level simulator (that one allready
    works fine with the library from ,
    with those files, I can load invf100.mag do a:
    ;watchnode A1
    ;watchnode O
    ;graphnode A1
    ;graphnode O 1
    ;l A1
    ;h A1
    and see the switch level simulator switch just fine. It also works with the
    nanf201 nand gate and the nor gate, I havent gotten to the flip flops yet.
    Unfortunately, the .spice file created by ;exttospice even when surrounded
    by a test.cir with a power supply and a capacitive load dont spice yet, they
    irsim, they just dont spice.
    One of the reasons I was wanting to use the mosis library was to be able to
    have a standard of comparision for irsim and spice from within magic that
    could be independently corroborated from a known functioning set of cells
    where the only variable is now the setup of magic.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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