MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: cfk (cfk AT pacbell DOT net)
Date: Sun Mar 23 2003 - 14:20:57 EST

  • Next message: cfk: "Re: mosis cell library"

    A little more progress after I read Tutorial #9 for the fourth time is an
    innocent sentence on page 2 that says "Stream files do not identify a
    top-level cell, so you wont see anything on the screen after youve used the
    calma read command. So, I saved all the cells with writeall and now I have a
    myriad of .mag files in this directory like Inv, Inv2, Nand2, Nor2 and the
    like. When I startup magic again on the invertor (magic -w -T
    SCN5M_DEEP.12.TSMC) with say Inv.mag and run "drc find", I get about 34 drc
    errors with what looks like some but not all features. So, I can actually
    see a portion of the invertor from mosis, just not completely.
    So, gds reads with some problems, and cif segfaults as of this morning.
    > Let me try again with a little more detail. I can read the pads under this
    > directory with no problem. I saved the technology file under this
    > SCN5M_DEEP.12.TSMC.tech27 and I can startup magic with "magic -w -T
    > SCN5M_DEEP.12.TSMC". From magic's prompt, I can go ;cif istyle and see the
    > style is "lambda=0.12(p)", so far so good. The problem occurs when I do a
    > "cif read mTSMd025DL.cif" in that magic segfaults. I did a little research
    > yesterday and I can see it appears unhappy before the segfault with the
    > statements "DS 1 6 1000" indicating a scale of 6/1000 (centimicrons, I
    > think, but perhaps millimicrons and here might be the rub). After reading
    > and printing out errors from each and every "DS x 6 1000" statment, magic
    > segfaults.
    > When reading the similar gds file with "calma read , magic doesnt
    > but does display a myriad of errors of the form "# cols doesnt divide
    > displacement ref pt". Quitting magic ":quit" indicates there are 58 cells
    > which have been modified, but there are no visible cells on the screen
    > (perhaps they are 1000 times smaller then I am setup to display, or
    > something like that).
    > It seems to me that I am missing an invocation or a setup under magic. It
    > should be possible to read a cif or gds file created by the Tanner L-Edit
    > program as both tanner and magic should use similar rules for reading and
    > writing cif and gds files.
    > And just to make it incredibly frustrating, electric reads and displays
    > the cif and gds libraries just fine as downloaded from the mosis web site.
    > > Hi, why don't you start with the README's under
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > altho they may be out-of-date.
    > >
    > > /jeff
    > >
    > > cfk writes:
    > >  > Gentlemen:
    > >  >     I've spent a while studying the mosis cell libraries today at
    > >  >
    > >  > downloaded both the TSMC 0.25 micron and Agilent 0.50 micron
    > In
    > >  > attempting to load the gds files with "calma read mTSMd025DL.gds" or
    > "calma
    > >  > read mhps05dl.gds" from either with default technology or scmos-sub,
    > get a
    > >  > "#cols doesnt divide displacement ref pt" error on many cells and my
    > screen
    > >  > is blank.  If I try to read the CIF versions, I get a seg fault and
    > Magic
    > >  > exits.
    > >  >
    > >  >     I am hoping that there is some combination of technology
    > machinations
    > >  > and clever button pushing that would actually let me read and
    > appreciate
    > >  > these cell libraries from MOSIS. Any suggestions would be greatly
    > >  > appreciated.
    > >  >
    > >  > Charles

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