MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Mon Mar 24 2003 - 17:24:59 EST

  • Next message: Philippe Pouliquen: "Re: mosis cell library"

    Dear Jeff,
    > by any chance, did you also put in a wide-metal rule facility ? (to
    > force larger spacing when one of the edges is of a "wide" width
    > shape).
    Yes, I did, but something I have not quite grasped about the corner
    stitching tile structures prevents it from noticing the DRC error in
    a lot of situations, which are dependent on the tile structure around
    the edge being checked.
    At some point I intend to inspect the routine more closely and
    fix the error.  Note the following comment that I added to the routine
     * Notes:
     * Extended to include the rule syntax:
     *      widespacing layers1 width layers2 distance adjacency why
     * This extension covers rules such as "If m1 width > 10um, then spacing to
     * unconnected m1 must be at least 0.6um".  This assumes that the instantiated
     * edge4way rule is a standard "spacing" rule in which "dist" and "cdist"
     * (corner extension) distances are always the same, so we can use the "cdist"
     * record to encode the width of "layers1" which triggers the rule.  We re-use
     * the CheckMaxwidth() code, but with the following differences: 1) it does not
     * trigger any error painting functions, 2) it returns a value stating whether
     * the maxwidth rule applies or not, 3) it uses the DBLayerTypeMaskTbl[] for
     * the tile type in question, not "oktypes", for its search, and 4) it uses
     * the max width in the "cdist" record, not the "dist" record, for the max
     * width rule.  The "dist" record is copied to "cdist" before actually applying
     * the spacing rule, so that the rule acts like a proper spacing rule.
    So you can see that it's a bit of a kludge to overlay the widespace rule
    on top of the existing spacing rule, but it's not the kludgy bits which
    cause it to fail.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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