MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Philippe Pouliquen (philippe AT alpha DOT
Date: Tue Mar 25 2003 - 13:34:10 EST

  • Next message: cfk: "tclspice"

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, Jeff Sondeen wrote:
    >  >     edge m2 space/metal2 4 space/metal2 space/metal2 3 \
    >  >         "Metal 2 spacing must be at least 4"
    >  >     edge m2 space/metal2 3 space/metal2 space/metal2 4 \
    >  >         "Metal 2 spacing must be at least 4"
    > this is marvelous, but i'm not sure it would work.  i think magic will
    > throw away the 4-lambda spacing of the first line when it sees the
    > 3-lambda spacing of the second line (and likewise with the diagonals).
    Yes, I was concerned about that too, and since it had been over a year
    since I had last tried it, I tested it again with the attached tech file.
    It seems to work fine, but I didn't go any further with it for the same
    reason that Tim didn't make Euclidean distances the default: I'm not
    convinced that its safe.
    When feature sizes get small enough so that the mask features are near the
    wavelength of the light used for photolithography, the mask creators
    apparently do some "funny" things to the mask to get sharper corners
    and/or avoid interference effects.  I don't know any details about this,
    but it does make me wary about using Euclidean distances (yes, I'm
    paranoid).  E-beam lithography doesn't have this problem, but I don't want
    to create an SCMOS layout that works fine with E-beam but not reticle
    If MOSIS would come out and say officially that all design rule distances
    are Euclidean, then I'd be happy...

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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