MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Wed Apr 02 2003 - 13:30:39 EST

  • Next message: cfk: "Where did plot go"

    Hello everyone,
       Does anybody know whether there exists an "extractor torture test"
    which can be used to pit a device extraction model against all sorts
    of bizarre transistor geometries (annular, waffle, bends, kinks,
    etc.) with transistors that have been characterized for an effective
    length and width (or set of lengths and widths) based on empirical
    data gathered from the fabricated device?
       Barring that, can anyone point me to published papers on what
    they believe to be the "best" (in any sense) model for handling
    extraction of corners and other unusual geometry in a transistor
       I have just implemented an extension in magic which finds and
    extracts an effective length and width for annular (ring) devices,
    and correctly extracted several different device layouts.  At least,
    it extracts width as the midline around the active part of the
    transistor.  The standard magic extractor bombs on annular devices,
    because its only concept of length is measured where it sees poly
    crossing active.  In annular devices, this only happens on the
    "tab", so the transistor length it calculates is the width of the
    tab, not the length of the transistor (unless they happen to be the

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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