MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Anthony Tonizzo (atonizzo AT lycos DOT com)
Date: Fri Apr 11 2003 - 21:17:12 EDT

  • Next message: cfk: "Re: Magic on Linux"

    I have been unsuccessfully trying to compile Magic under
    The Linux distribution is RedHat 8.0. The installation of
    RedHat was done from the sole purpose of running Magic, and
    was performed only a few hours ago. DIfferent versions of
    Magic give different errors. The closes I got was with
    7.2.34 and the only error is the following
    --- compiling commands/CmdLQ.o
    --- compiling commands/CmdRS.o
    --- compiling commands/CmdTZ.o
    make[2]: *** [CmdTZ.o] Error 1
    --- compiling database/DBbound.o
    --- compiling database/DBcell.o
    --- compiling database/DBcellbox.o
    --- compiling database/DBcellcopy.o
    There are no other errors and/or warnings.
    I am no UNIX hacker. I cannot figure out what is going
    wrong. Any help you can provide me with this?
    The config was done for X11, Linux, 80x86, no scripting
    and with all other options set for default.
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