MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: cfk (cfk AT pacbell DOT net)
Date: Sat Apr 19 2003 - 15:21:06 EDT

  • Next message: Abhishek Singh: "electrical connectivity between nodes"

    This is all with magic-7.2.36 and current.tar.gz from as shown on Tims web site.
    Basically, I am trying to correlate the L & W from extract and exttospice in
    order to get to where I can tclspice from within magic with meaningful
    lengths and widths. In both cases, I am painting a rectangle of ndiff 10
    units wide by 20 units hi and overlaying a rectangle of poly 14 units wide
    by 10 units hi. The poly extends over the ndiff by 2 on each side (thats why
    its 14 wide), and the length and width are both 10 units.
    When I extract, then exttosim this two rectangle temp.mag file with the
    default technology scmos, I get w=10u, l=10u and that computes. When I
    create a similar file with 'magic -w temp2 -T SCN6M_SUBM.10' and extract
    followed by exttospice, I get w=4u and l=10u and the spice file says the
    technology is (null).
    The way I got the technology file for SCN6M_SUBM.10 was to gunzip
    current.tar.gz and tar xf current.tar as described on Tims "Technology
    Files" link. At that point, I did not have a current directory, rather I had
    a 2001a and an examples directory. So, I copied all the files from 2001a to
    /home/cad/lib/magic/sys/2001a to /home/cad/lib/magic/sys in order to use
    them there.
    I also reviewed (I did read again the various sections on planes,
    types, styles, extract and drc) and particularly its section on techinstall,
    but I dont seem to have that script anywhere in the distribution or
    current.tar.gz so I cannot run it.
    So, at this point, I am rather puzzled how to get to the next step of using
    magic with more then just the default scmos tech file. There must be some
    simple set of incantations that just seems to be escaping me.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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