MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Mon Apr 21 2003 - 13:02:34 EDT

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "RE: CIF & GDS"

    Dear Abhishek,
    > How can I check whether two labels (or two selections or whatever) in the
    > same cell are electrically connected?
    > I do it by naming them the same global node and then checking for warning
    > during extraction. I hope there will be a faster way.
       You should be able to quickly check connectivity between nodes by
    doing (from the command line) "goto <label1>" and "goto <label2>".
    Also, you can select the paint under each label, in turn, and do
    "getnode".  Magic only considers one of the two labels (the global
    one, in your case) to be "definitive".  When asked for the network
    name (as in the "getnode" command), magic will always return the
    definitive name.  However, when told to do something with the network
    (as in the "goto" command), it will accept the name of any label
    attached to the network as an alias for the network name.
    > Also, while using iroute to route within a cell I managed to get a
    > segmentation fault! Should I post the details to the developers' list?
    Just send me the details.  I have not looked at iroute throughout all
    the recent development, so it doesn't really surprise me that it is
    broken.  Hopefully the fix is simple.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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