MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Stefan Jones (stefan.jones AT multigig DOT com)
Date: Tue Apr 22 2003 - 04:33:02 EDT

  • Next message: Jeff Sondeen: "Re: More on lambda & SCN6M_SUBM.10.tech27"

    On Sat, 2003-04-19 at 21:25, cfk wrote:
    > The problems start when I attempt to plot. The invocation of plot is
    > different in order to avoid namespace collision with magic's plot command.
    > Unfortunately, I dont quite grok the new one. 'spice::plot in out' says
    > "Cant open viewport for graphics", spice_init_gui testx_trans.cir clears the
    > magic window and the layout is gone. Invoking 'spice::spicetoblt in' begets
    > 'Wrong no of args', "spice::spicetoblt in out" says out is a bad blt vector.
    I think some proper documentation needs to be written and/or some
    integration clean-ups.
    Now the answer:
    spice::plot is the old plot command from spice which uses X11, this has
    been deprecated / disabled in tclspice, but the command is still there.
    ( All it does now is to try and emulate a X11 window though Tk function
    calls, see the spice_gr_* callback functions in
    /usr/lib/spice/pkgIndex.tcl )
    I have played with spice_init_gui and I haven't seen this error before.
    This command should be the first spice command you run. ( it sources the
    given circuit file ).
    After you have run this command you will have the spicewish::plot
    command and you are in business!
    Example: (run from magic )
    package require spice
    spice_init_gui example.cir
    spice::step 50
    spicewish::plot a0
    "spice::spicetoblt <in> <out>" : <in> is a spice variable, Vdd#branch,
    etc. <out> is the name of a preexisting BLT vector, there is a bug in
    BLT or something, and I cannot create the BLT vector in the C-code. Your
    second "bad blt vector" error is because the BLT vector didn't already
    I think that is about it, many thanks for testing the packages and
    sharing your ideas,
    Stefan Jones <stefan.jones AT multigig DOT com>
    Multigig Ltd

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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