MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: cfk (cfk AT pacbell DOT net)
Date: Sun Jun 08 2003 - 15:06:50 EDT

  • Next message: cfk: "Re: tclspice-0.2.9 after DAC"

    So, DAC is over and I'm trying to get things working again with magic and
    tclspice. I must be dense or something, as I cannot seem to get the plot
    running in magic now. Let me start with our last e-mail exchange back a
    month or so ago, which is below.
    Basically, from within magic, I can go "package require spice" and the tk
    shell returns 0.2.9 as I would expect. But the troubles begin with the next
    line "spice_init_gui example.cir". At this point, I get a message saying
    that spice couldnt load "/usr/lib/tclX8.3../". Now the curious
    part, is the installation I am testing on has a "/usr/lib/tclX8.3" and there
    is a soft link to This is all default RH8 stuff. I
    am trying to keep my magic & tclspice contained within a default RH8
    installation and it used to work just fine.
    I can see that the statement in tclspice_source.tcl at line 22 saying
    "package require Tclx" appears to be the culprit, but my lack of tcl
    knowledge precludes me from going much further.
    On the good news side, I can run my circuit with "spice::run" from within
    magic and I can do a "spice::asciiplot" from with magic. As you might
    recall, the issue is plotting from within magic as when I do a
    "spice::plot", I get a "cant open viewport for graphics" for error.
    I am basically thinking that tclspice and magic are making two different
    assumptions about the tcl/tk environment here and we have the two
    assumptions battling with each other for control of the screen, viewport or
    I dont want to cause a great amount of effort for anyone, either on the
    tclspice or the magic side, but I keep coming back to this one and it just
    seems to be in the way again. I am hoping that we can get the two codebases
    playing a bit more nicely with each other.
    With highest regards, Charles
    >  > The problems start when I attempt to plot. The invocation of plot is
    >  > different in order to avoid namespace collision with magic's plot
    > command.
    >  > Unfortunately, I dont quite grok the new one. 'spice::plot in out' says
    >  > "Cant open viewport for graphics", spice_init_gui testx_trans.cir
    > clears the
    >  > magic window and the layout is gone. Invoking 'spice::spicetoblt in'
    > begets
    >  > 'Wrong no of args', "spice::spicetoblt in out" says out is a bad blt
    > vector.
    > I think some proper documentation needs to be written and/or some
    > integration clean-ups.
    > Now the answer:
    > spice::plot is the old plot command from spice which uses X11, this has
    > been deprecated / disabled in tclspice, but the command is still there.
    > ( All it does now is to try and emulate a X11 window though Tk function
    > calls, see the spice_gr_* callback functions in
    > /usr/lib/spice/pkgIndex.tcl )
    > I have played with spice_init_gui and I haven't seen this error before.
    > This command should be the first spice command you run. ( it sources the
    > given circuit file ).
    > After you have run this command you will have the spicewish::plot
    > command and you are in business!
    > Example: (run from magic )
    > ------------
    > package require spice
    > spice_init_gui example.cir
    > spice::step 50
    > spicewish::plot a0
    > -------------
    > "spice::spicetoblt <in> <out>" : <in> is a spice variable, Vdd#branch,
    > etc. <out> is the name of a preexisting BLT vector, there is a bug in
    > BLT or something, and I cannot create the BLT vector in the C-code. Your
    > second "bad blt vector" error is because the BLT vector didn't already
    > exist.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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