MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: cfk (cfk AT pacbell DOT net)
Date: Fri Jun 13 2003 - 11:02:43 EDT

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "Re: incantations of "box""

    These days I find very few hints about using magic that I grok. Along those
    lines, I thought it might be interesting to share a few incantations of box
    in hopes it will help someone else understand some of magic's commands and
    lead to a few others posting some of their own incantations that will allow
    all of us to understand a bit more how to manipulate this wonderful software
    With that preface, try starting magic with 'magic -w', next, try prefacing
    all commands with ';' instead of ':'. The reason for the ';' is that it is
    1) unshifted, 2) the same button as ':', 3) a command delimiter and 4) a
    trick I was able to show Tim.
    magic -w
    ;tech load SCN5M_DEEP.12.TSMC
    Now we have a lambda of 0.12 (120 nanometers) with the 0.25 micron
    technology of TSMC, zoom out a bit and set the grid to 10 10
    ;grid 10 10
    Now, make a 5000nm wide by 500nm high box (nm, hmmmm)
    ;box size 5000nm 500nm
    Manipulate the box size from the keyboard in microns instead of nanometers
    ;box width 8um
    ;box grow north 100nm
    ;box grow east 350nm
    ;box shrink east 250nm
    ;box move sw 1000nm
    ;box values 0 0 6000nm 3um
    ;box position
    returns its lower left corner
    All of these variations and more are described in magic/commands/CmdAB.c
    round about line 484. I didnt know I could manipulate the box in metric
    dimensions instead of just lambda until found it very interesting. Now
    perhaps someone else might consider adding a few incantations along with
    maybe a link or two to a URL with magic command files and we can have an
    interesting weekend looking forward to all learning a few new tricks.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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