MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: cfk (cfk AT pacbell DOT net)
Date: Sun Jun 22 2003 - 11:44:06 EDT

  • Next message: cfk: "ring oscillator"

    Dear Jeff:
        Clearly, I agree that the model states it is a bsim3.1 model. That isnt
    an issue at all. The issue is that either do to my misunderstanding of the
    use of the model or a problem in tclspice (and I suspect the former rather
    then the latter), I am unable to get the model to work without errors. Would
    someone else be willing to confirm that this model does or does not work
    with tclspice. If it does, can they post a circuit it works with. If not,
    can we discuss what needs to be done to make it work with tclspice please.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Jeff Sondeen" <sondeen AT ISI DOT EDU>
    To: "cfk" <cfk AT pacbell DOT net>
    Cc: <>; <magic-dev AT csl DOT>
    Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 7:18 PM
    Subject: Re: Saturday, I give up
    > cfk writes:
    > ...
    >  > output lines. I am puzzled here because I am trying to tell it to use
    > Hi Charles, it sounds like you're trying to pass a bsim 3.1 model,
    > which isn't being accepted by tclspice, as a bsim4 model (which it
    > isn't).  i would also not trust the simulation results.
    > /jeff
    > PS. we agree, i hope, that the model in the file:
    > clearly says it's a bsim3.1 model:
    >   SPICE 3f5 Level 8, Star-HSPICE Level 49, UTMOST Level 8
    > /jeff

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