MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Stefan Robert (srobert AT hermes DOT
Date: Wed Jul 09 2003 - 02:13:38 EDT

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "RE: magic error"

    Hi all,
    ok, I moved my stuff to a new computer and I recompiled magic r38 and 
    just compiled rev 41. I do not know what I did wrong (must be something 
    I forgot) but I am no longer able to start magic.
    I get the following error message in the Tcl window:
    Warning: Display style file defines only 48 of 50 required internal 
    And then the Tcl window exits with a bus error:
    stefan% magic -d OGL -T SCN6M_SUBM.10_081402.tech27 icfshp03
    Bus error
    My CAD_HOME variable is set to /usr/local (magic is in /usr/local/bin 
    and the magic libs are /usr/local/lib/magic)
    The dstyle files seems to be the correct files since they define up to 
    8 metal layers. I tried this with OpenGL and without and MAGIC_COLOR 
    for 8bits and 24bits... same error.
    I think it is a configuration problem because I remember I was able to 
    work with magic rev36 and now this version also gives me the same 
    error... By any luck might this only be a configuration error?
    (I run MacOS X 10.2.6)

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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