MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Wed Jul 09 2003 - 15:23:08 EDT

  • Next message: Stefan Robert: "Re: magic error"

    Dear Stefan,
       The question is not whether the display styles file defines 8 metal
    layers, but from what revision the display style file comes from.
    What you describe sounds like magic is picking up the ".dstyle6" files
    which were relevant for a very few revisions before I changed the
    suffix to ".dstyle" and put the version number (6) into the file
    itself.  In that revision, I also added two styles to the built-in
    styles, #13 "ports" and #14 "port_connections", to go along with the
    new "port" command.
       So check the CAD_HOME/magic/sys path and see what style files
    exist---if there are no ".dstyle" files, but only ".dstyle6" files,
    then something went wrong with the installation.
       There is no need in magic 7.2 to set variable CAD_HOME.  Any value
    you supply to CAD_HOME is going to override what was built in.
    I doubt that's the problem, but you can un-set CAD_HOME to see if it
    makes a difference in the search paths for magic.
       Note that ultimately this is my fault for not updating the style
    file version number from 6 to 7 when I added the two new styles, or
    magic would be clearer about what the error is.  Mea culpa.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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