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From: Halesh N N (haleshnn17 AT yahoo DOT com) Date: Thu Jul 10 2003 - 07:44:51 EDT
hi all I have Red HAT 7.2 Linux installed on my system,I recently downloaded magic7.1 from ur site. I have been trying to build it on my system but time and again iam getting some problems I have followed the steps that are given in the website,but still i am facing some problems. I have written the steps that i followed while installing Magic7.1 1. I start at the "root" ie at "[root@localhost root]" and create "cad-try" and "src" directories 2. Gunzip and untar the magic7.1 zipped file into the "src" directory 3. In the magic directory, i use the "export" command instead of the "setenv" coz it doesnt work on my machine, and I type the following " export CAD_HOME=~cad-try export PATH=$PATH:/home/cad-try/src/magic7.1/bin " I dont know whether the commands above are correct, SO PLEASE HELP ME REGARDING THIS. 4. After this at the prompt ie inside magic7.1 directory(/home/cad-try/src/magic7.1) i type the "gmake config" at this point,ie after the command, it is showing that the "defs.mak" file is not found and when the make config tries to make this it shows as "Unknown user:cad-try" "Error1" and returns to the prompt.I am unable to do "gmake install". I dont know why i am getting this error; So anyone knows about this please help me work this out. It will be of great help THANX in Advance HALESH N N --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!