MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: D.Jeff Dionne (jeff AT uClinux DOT org)
Date: Thu Sep 04 2003 - 23:22:36 EDT

  • Next message: R. Timothy Edwards: "Re: standard cell library DRC errors"

    Hi all,
    I've been trying to put together a flow from Free Software tools
    and libraries, and I'm looking now at the MSU or is it ITD/AuE
    library dlmV2.2.  I can't seem to find the dlmV3.0 library anywhere.
    I hope to use this with Octtools and Magic.
    I started by simply loading invf101.mag (you can find it still in
    a few places on the net) and running a :drc check using the
    SCNA.80.tech27 technology file.  There are 10 errors:
    :load invf101
    :drc check
    :drc count
    Cell invf101 has 10 error tiles.
    :drc why
    N-well overlap of P-Diffusion < 5 (Mosis #2.4)
    N-well width < 10 (Mosis #1.1)
    N-well(at-same-potential) spacing < 6 (Mosis #1.3)
    P-well overlap of N-Diffusion < 5 (Mosis #2.4)
    P-well width < 10 (Mosis #1.1)
    P-well overlap of P-Ohmic < 3 (Mosis #2.4)
    P-well(at-same-potential) spacing < 6 (Mosis #1.3)
    Yikes!  I also tried SCN4M.25.tech27 and it has the same
    (or similar) errors as I expected.  The ITD/AuE manual says that these
    cells are drawn to MOSIS Rev6 design rules, and so I guess this
    is not surprising.
    Does anyone know if these errors are something which has been
    corrected in a later version of this library?  And if not, should I 
    it "safe" to use the cells as is?  I see there exists at least a 
    version 2.3
    and 3.0, however I can't find them (links are broken at MSU).

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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