MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Spaceborne Calin (spaceborne_calin AT yahoo DOT com)
Date: Fri Sep 05 2003 - 13:30:20 EDT

  • Next message: Jeffrey Quinn: "Re: Compiling Magic on Redhat Linux"

     --- aojha <aojha AT du DOT edu> a écrit : > We are getting the following
    errors (at different places) when we do
    > make tcl 
    > on our Solaris 8/Sparc:
    > #error 
    > "GCC no longer implements <varargs.h>."
    > #error 
    > "Revise your code to use <stdarg.h>."
    > Any recommendations? Thanks.
    To make it compile you have 3 options:
    1. use an older gcc (version 2.95.3 is fine)
    2. replace every occurence of varargs.h in the source files with
    3. if you have root edit
    usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.8/3.3/include/varargs.h and
    replace the line with #error 
    with #include <stdarg.h> (not recommended)
    I choosed the first option but you may choose whatever you want :-)
    > Anand Ojha
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