MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Wed Sep 10 2003 - 11:55:35 EDT

  • Next message: Peter Quigley: "CIF and absolute metric units"

    Dear Charles,
    > 2. Its really tough to figure out dimensions. I had to jump through a
    > couple of hoops and not believe the wiring tool when it is telling me
    > "units".
    I rewrote a lot of magic routines (esp. the command-line commands) to work
    with metric units as well as lambda (and also to take fractional-lambda
    values).  However, printed or returned values are generally in internal
    units.  I should work on some consistent method for this.  Probably there
    should be some command like "units" which will report units in internal
    units, lambda, or microns (I think I'll leave out the femto-cubits,
    although the parser routine I added will take most standard metric
    prefixes).  Then I could simplify the output of the "box" command, and
    only print the units which were requested.  I'll try to add that at the
    end of the week.
    For the TCL wrapper, you can convert units by grabbing the internal-units-
    per-lambda with the command "tech lambda", and grabbing the microns-per-
    lambda value with the command "cif lambda out".  Note that due to the
    "scalable CMOS" idea, lambda units are dimensionless, and the value of
    microns-per-lambda can only be determined by the current CIF output
    style, since the CIF output style defines the actual physical dimensions
    of the layout.
    Generally speaking, I agree that "internal units" is a useless measurement
    to the end-user and should be avoided.  However, since all magic versions
    prior to 7.1 implicitly defined lambda as equal to an internal unit, this
    assumption is pervasive, and it's difficult to track down all of the
    instances.  Report them as you see them.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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