MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: R. Timothy Edwards (tim AT stravinsky DOT
Date: Fri Sep 12 2003 - 22:42:45 EDT

  • Next message: Marc Murphy: "Arrgh, Redhat 8"

    Hello magic mailing-list readers,
    I have posted magic version 7.3.0 on my website, at

    This version of magic, which I have given the status of PRE-ALPHA, fixes
    a known problem with magic and stacked contacts.  Previous versions of
    magic can only handle stacked contacts by defining contact types between
    any three layers.  In addition, magic generates "images" of each contact
    type on each plane connected by the contact, leading to a large number
    of layer types.  Version 7.3 uses the same layer type on each plane,
    avoiding the generation of excess layer types.  It does generate extra
    layer types to represent combinations of two contact types in the same
    plane, thereby allowing contacts which share the same plane (e.g.,
    via and via2, sharing metal2) to occupy the same space.
    Magic 7.3 is hardly production-ready, but is provided for anyone who
    wishes to help out with the development and test drive it.  I will
    continue to maintain, debug, and enhance version 7.2 while bringing
    version 7.3 up to par.

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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