MAGIC Magic Mailing List

From: Stefan Robert (s.robert AT usherbrooke DOT ca)
Date: Sat Sep 27 2003 - 13:01:10 EDT

  • Next message: cfk: "Re: Magic standard cell library available"

    I posted a compile problem with different magic versions a couple of 
    posts back.
    I think I found that the source of the problem is with the autoconf 
    script for magic when using it for MacOS X. This problem also occurs 
    with xcircuit autoconf script.
    When I use the make config script, everything goes fine for compile and 
    install and magic runs as usual.
    However, when I use the autoconf script for magic, the compile process 
    goes well until I do make install-tcl. At this point, the compile 
    program does not seem to be able to find the header file:
    /usr/local/include/tk.h:96: header file 'X11/Xlib.h' not found
    which then results in multiple undefined type errors and ends with the 
    following error:
    cpp-precomp: warning: errors during smart preprocessing, retrying in 
    basic mode
    make[2]: *** [spicewrap.o] Error 1
    This happens for tclmagic.o, simwrap.o, spicewrap.o  (in xcircuit this 
    happens for xcwrap.o)
    I used the following command:
    [src/magic-7.2.51/scripts] stefan% ./configure --with-tcl --with-opengl
    and I even tried this:
    [src/magic-7.2.51/scripts] stefan% ./configure --with-tcl --with-opengl 
    The X11 header file is at the standard location /usr/X11R6/include/X11. 
    I was not able to find the fix in the autoconf file but this might give 
    a clue to where the problem is for someone with more experience with 
    the autoconf file... ;o)

    Questions? Contact Rajit Manohar
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